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Overhead Overhead B-737 Lights.
All lights on the default 737 in FS (Landing, Taxi, Strobe, Beacon, Wing, Logo and Nav).
Overhead APU EGT gauge.
Programmed for to use with Project Magenta. The script is very simple, because it simply take the value from Magenta offset and send it divided by 10 to the servo.
Overhead Overhead PMSYSTEMS.
Complete logics for the B-737 Overhead using the PMSYSTEMS from Project Magenta.
Wrote by one of our clients, we are sorry to can't tell who is, because we don't know who is. If the uthor identifies their script, please tell us on, and we proceed to change the author's name.
Overhead Overhead Gauges PMSYSTEMS.
Script with the configuration for Overhead gauges with PMSYSTEMS (Project Magenta software).
Overhead Overhead Boeing 737 full for ProSim, Ifly and Project Magenta (last revision July 2013).
Full scripts for Project Magenta, Ifly and PROSIM 737 software. Overhead's I/O mapping included, ProSim's XML settings impor file are also included.
Overhead LE Devics on AFT overhead.
Script for the LE devices panel on AFT section of overhead (this panel is commonly called "butterfly)
Overhead IRS Alignment AFT Overhead.
Alignment IRS script at OVERHEAD panel, AFT section (By Angel P.D.).
Frontal Panel MCP & EFIS for PMDG 737 NGX.
Files to do work well the Opencockpits MCP & EFIS with PMDG 737 NGX. Thanks to Roar Kristensen for his LUA files. Exist a complet driver in software section to use the MCP, EFIS and FMC/CDU V3.
Panel Frontal Script for FMC 737 V3 with Project Magenta.
This file allows to use the 737 FMC V3 with PM using all features as exec led and indicators.
Panel Frontal Script beta for 737's FMC V3 to use with add-on Ifly 737.
This file allows to use the 737's FMC V3 with Ifly737 add-on (screen and keyboard), EXEC led and indicators are not operative yet.
Panel Frontal Script for 737's FMC V3 with ProSim 737 add-on.
This file allows to use the FMC 100% operative.
Frontal Panel Gear lever and annunciators.
Script wrote to manage the gear lever and their annunciators (red/green) of gear position.
Frontal Panel Autobrake B-737.
Autobrake system in B-737 done by SIOC. A 6 positions rotative switch allow us to select the automatic quantity of braking.
Frontal Panel MCP module definition.
Complete definition of the inputs, outputs and displays of the MCP module builded by Opencockpits, very useful if the customer want to do their own programation for SIOC, as if he want to use this module to another utilities inside their cockpit.
Frontal Panel EFIS module definition.
Complete definition of the inputs and outputs of the MCP module builded by Opencockpits, very useful if the customer want to do their own programation for SIOC, as if he want to use this module to another utilities inside their cockpit.
Frontal Panel Flaps Gauge, includes the LE DEVICES annunciators.
For their correct use, you must change the steps values to adapt to your physical gauge. For this you can use the IOCards test program, go to here to download it.
Frontal Panel Flaps Gauge for PMDG 737 NGX, not includes the LE DEVICES annunciators, thanks to Bahadir Tubay for this script.
For their correct use, you must change the steps values to adapt to your physical gauge. For this you can use the IOCards test program, go to here to download it.
Frontal Panel Yaw Damper indicator.
Script for SIOC to manage the gauge for the indicator of Yaw Damper, this gauge is on the Frontal Panel on the B-737.
Pedestal Autothrottle with USBDCMotors.
A perfect script to manage the autothrottle of a B-737. The author is unknown, but if someone knows it, please tell us iat
Pedestal Flap lever B-737.
Script to manage the Flap lever in B-737 (includes 9 positions, then if you changes the number of position can be used in other planes).
Pedestal Spoiler lever B-737.
Script to manage the Spoiler lever in B-737, includes the ARM position.
Pedestal Start lever B-737.
Script to manage the start levers on the B-737.
Pedestal COM module definition.
Complete definition of the inputs, outputs and displays of the COM module builded by Opencockpits, very useful if the customer want to do their own programation for SIOC, as if he want to use this module to another utilities inside their cockpit.
Pedestal NAV module definition.
Complete definition of the inputs, outputs and displays of the NAV module builded by Opencockpits, very useful if the customer want to do their own programation for SIOC, as if he want to use this module to another utilities inside their cockpit.
Pedestal ADF module definition.
Complete definition of the inputs, outputs and displays of the ADF module builded by Opencockpits, very useful if the customer want to do their own programation for SIOC, as if he want to use this module to another utilities inside their cockpit.
Pedestal ATC module definition.
Complete definition of the inputs, outputs and displays of the ATC module builded by Opencockpits, very useful if the customer want to do their own programation for SIOC, as if he want to use this module to another utilities inside their cockpit.
Pedestal Transponder 1 encoder.
Transponder managed only with one encoder, to change the digit postion simply uses the pushbutton included on the own encoder.
Pedestal Transponder 2 encoders.
Transponder managed with two encoders, one encoder manages the first two disgits (00 to 77) and the second one manages the other two encoders (00 to 77).
Pedestal Transponder 2 encoders (1+1).
Transponder managed with two encoders, one encoder manages the values of the digits and the other encoder changes the position of the digit to change. Includes IVAP offsets.
Pedestal Transponder 2 encoders (1+1) for XPLANE.
Transponder managed with two encoders, one encoder manages the values of the digits and the other encoder changes the position of the digit to change. Includes X-IVAP offsets.
Our acknowledgement to Oscar Cancho for their interest and collaboration to realize this script.
Varios Scripts and files for MCP V3, EFIS and NAV for XPLANE 10.
Files and documents to use the MCP V3, EFIS and radio NAV in X-Plane 10.
Thanks to Andrés Oteiro for his interest and colaboration doing this files.

Frontal Panel Write "Std" in 3 7-segments digits.
The FCU unit of the A-320 have a window to show the QNH, when you push the button, it shows the word "Std", make this possible with this script.
Frontal Panel Gear lever and annunciators A-320.
Script wrote to manage the gear lever and their annunciators (red/green) of gear position.
Panel Frontal Complete FCU for A-320 from Project Magenta.
Complete FCU unit using the add-on of Project Magenta, for this script we can use the suite from Project Magenta for A-320.
Pedestal Commandant radio module, complet.
Script for use as real radio module, with off-on and computers slave, that says if any device changes the frequency the RMP assumes the changes and manages the COURSE too.

General Aviation
Generic Increase/Decrease values with two buttons (switch MOM-OFF-MOM).
This script is designed to act on a momentary switch and the value assigned to an offset increase and do the opposite when you turn the swith on the other way. In the case of included script was prepared for use in X-Plane for a Cessna, increasing or decreasing the position of the flaps, as you would in the real plane.
Generic Single engine start.
Script to manage the start of a single engine plane with a rotative switch of 5 positions.
Generic Fuel in LCD.
How to show in a LCD the remanent fuel on the three tanks of the plane.
Generic Parking brake.
The parking brake solved in a few lines for SIOC.
Instruments Wet Compass with a stepper motor.
A wet compass made with a stepper motor, simple and easy to do, but very effective and with little code lines.
Instruments Hundreds needle with stepper motor.
SIOC script to manage the hundreds needle on an altimeter, the script reads the altitude and then it converts on hundreds and it sends in degrees to the motor, that sets the needle in their correct position.

Cockpit accs. Turn ON/OFF AC lamps on the Flightdeck.
If we need to turn on/off AC lamps inside our flightdeck, as maps or ambient lights, this is an script that work with a USBRelays and two lamps.
Generic A switch activating a led.
When you close the switch, this actives a led.
Generic A double switch actives two leds.
Whhen the first circuit is closed, it actives a led, when the another circuit is closed actives another led.
Generic One switch double and a display.
When the first circuit is closed the display shows"88888" when closes the another circuit this displays is blank.
Generic Pushbuttons types.
The first type works as in every push the value changes between 0 and 1 alternatively, the second one must be pressed all time that you want to maintain the 1 value, is you release it, then the values returns to 0.
Generic An encoder and a display.
In this case the encoder works as a counter, showinhg in the display the less or more value, depending of the direction of turns. When the value arrives to 999 it return to 0 and viceversa, when you have 0 value and turns to up, the value return to 999.
Generic Chronometer.
Little example for to show on a display the seconds.
Generic Chronometer with sound.
As the before example, but plays a sound.
Generic Coordinates.
How to obtain the plane coordinates in a few lines.
Generic Keystrokes.
How to send keystrokes through the keyboard emulator on SIOC (on the script you have included how to asign this combinations)
Generic Brightness adjust on 7 segments digits.
We can adjust this brightnes trough a potentiometer connected into an analogic input on a IOCard.
Generic Dimmer for Project Magenta PFD/ND screens.
We can dim the screens PFD/ND in Project Magenta using a potentiometer connected to an analogic input on any USB card.
Generic Dimmer for Project Magenta PFD/ND screens with an encoder.
The same as on the before script, but this time we can dim they with an encoder (when arrives to the minimum or maximum don't acts) connected to two inpouts on USBEXpansion+Masterd cards.
Generic 3 switches in ON position.
In this example the led are OFF until all three switches are in ON position, if any switch are on OFF the led remains OFF