Product Details
New Rudder Trim Panel with the same functionality as the real one including backlight inside the panel itself.
The panel includes all the elements and through its 10-pin IDC rear connector, it can be connected to any Input / Output card (Master Card, Outputs Card, ...), as well as it can be connected to the Pedestal Card. Opencockpits.
The indicator is displayed on an LCD screen with yellow lighting color and green background color, which provides a completely accurate measurement of the value of the Rudder Trim.
The backlight of the panel is warm white.
It has a button with momentary action just like the real one.
- The panel does not include DZUS, USB Servos or cable.
- The panel is compatible with the previous version, so it can be replaced to update the panel. You only need to include the button in the software instead of the previous system that was rotary encoder.
Cable IDC 10 contactos not included