Photo name The backside of a MD 80 panel Date / Time photo 2010:04:05 15:03:24 Description Here we see the back of the original MD-80 overhead panel. It may now look a little confusing and overwhelming with all these wires. But there are already removed many of the original wire connections, and all connectors and wires from gauges are not fitted. Okay... I am perhaps a little too much nostalgic when I want to use the original wiring. Now it looks messy, but when you quietly begin to mount one switch after another, and bind the cables neatly together as one progresses on the panel, the result is becomes actually quite good, and this are not so big a challenges as it seems. 2 pcs Open cockpit master card and 2 or 3 Open cockpit servo cards and the panel should be 99% operational. Uploaded by verticallimit