Product Details
Airbus 320 ATC Panel.
ATC panel Airbus 320 with professional manufactured and BKI technology, which integrates the backlight inside the panel itself as the real one. The backlight is warm white and feeds in a range of 2'4-2'9V.
It includes the following components to facilitate a simulation of operation identical to the original:
Keypad for data entry.
Six switches.
Four 7-segment displays
The panel can be integrated in Opencockpits A320 Pedestal [MEC-SOPEDES3] and shows total compatibility with the rest of Opencockpits modules and cards. For correct operation, the panel requires the use of the following Opencockpits cards: Expansion Card [2T3], Master Card [2T1], A320 Pedestal, Display Card II [2T2] and USBDimcontrol Card [2T21]. Any entry / exit card can also be used.
The approximate means of the panel are: 145.5X60.6 mm.
Approximate weight: 300 gr.
NOTE: The product may differ from the one shown in the image.